Alert Medical Alarms

Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) help give individuals the opportunity to live a safer and more independent life. However, PERS does not actually prevent falls, they just help better the outcome of one. So how can we help members fall less overall and potentially avoid these tragic situations? Before we get into Fall Prevention tips, here are the facts on why it’s critical we work to prevent falls as much as possible and what questions should we consider when developing LTSS plans. Below depicts how often falls happen within the elderly population.

1 Out of 3 People Falls each year

Age 65+

Falls Every Two Year

Age 72+

1 Out of 3 People Falls each year

Age 80+

What Should we consider?

History of falls : All clients with a recent history of falls should be considered at higher risk for future falls.

Mobility problems and use of assistive devices: Clients who have problems with their gait or require an assistive device for mobility are more likely to fall.

Medications: Clients on a large number of prescription medications, or taking medicines that could cause sedation, confusion, impaired balance, or blood pressure changes are at higher risk.

Mental status: Clients with delirium, dementia, or psychosis may be agitated and confused, putting them at risk.

Continence: Clients who have urinary frequency or who have frequent toileting needs are at higher fall risk.

Other risk factors include: being tethered to equipment, such as an IV pole; impairment in vision that could cause a patient not to see an environmental hazard; and orthostatic hypotension, which could cause the patient to become lightheaded or pass out when standing.

Falls Are Serious and

*Important facts about falls according to the CDC’s home and recreational safety guidance*

65+ Elderly People

Each year, millions of those 65 and older, fall. In fact, more than one out of three older people falls each year. Falling once doubles your chances of falling again.

3M Elderly People

One out of five falls causes a serious injury such as broken bones or a head injury. Each year, 3 million older people are treated in emergency departments for fall injuries.

300,000+ Elderly People

Each year at least 300,000 older people are hospitalized for hip fractures.

More than 95% of hip fractures are caused by falling, usually by falling sideways.

The estimated medical costs attributable to both fatal and nonfatal falls was approximately $50.0 billion. Medicare and Medicaid shouldered 75% of these costs.

Research has identified many conditions that contribute to falling. A big idea to understand is that risk factors can be changed modified to help prevent falls. They include:

◉ Lower body weakness

◉ Vitamin D deficiency

◉ Difficulties with walking and balance

◉ Use of medicines, such as tranquilizers, sedatives, or antidepressants. Even some over-the-counter medicines can affect balance and how steady you are on your feet.

◉ Vision problems

◉ Foot pain or poor footwear

◉ Home hazards or dangers such as broken or uneven steps, throw rugs, or clutter

Common rooms for elderly falls:

➥ Living rooms

➥ Bedrooms

➥ Bathrooms — see shower comments below

➥ Hallways


➥ Bedrooms

How can PERS help
with In-Home Falls?

A question we get a lot is, “Will PERS devices work in the shower?” and the answer is, YES. All PERS Devices are shower resistant and should always be worn in the shower. This is extremely important to know because Case Managers and Members are not always aware of this.

⦿ Curb, street or sidewalk falls

⦿ Gardening or yard work

⦿ Grocery shopping or running errands

⦿ Public Transportation

How can PERS help outside the Home? What If my member is active and independent?

Yes, PERS devices do in fact work outside the home. This is a solution that is also overlooked. GPS PERS relies on Cellular network coverage so members can travel anywhere at any time with a GPS PERS. So in the event your member is gardening in their backyard or going for a walk in the park, they’ll be covered in the event of an emergency.

Do you report to case managers when a member uses their PERS?

More than half of LTSS members who do have a fall, DO NOT tell their Service Coordinator. This is a problem because all Critical Incidents and Trigger Events must be reported in LTSS plans. What can we do about that?

See how we make your job easier in our article on critical incident reporting:

It’s Another reason why PERS should be part of any LTSS plan!

What if someone can’t press their button?

As we know, falls can occur when they’re least expected. Anything from seizures to fainting are common reasons why someone may fall. PERS can help with it’s Fall Detection Capability! All PERS devices are equipped with a sensor that can detect when a fall occurs. This is a great alternative in the event a member is at HIGH RISK Falling is common among the aging but it does not have to be normal. Together the Service Coordinator community with AMA PERS devices can make a huge impact. Let's Start with our Annual Falls Prevention Awareness Week. This YEAR  September 18-24, 2022! Its Fall Y’all is not meant to be literal. But when they happen, AMA can be a great ally for service coordinators.

AMA is the #1 Training resource in the Personal Emergency Response System Industry! We would be happy to spend a few minutes on a Video or Phone Call for a proper dialog with you or your entire team. To schedule a meeting please email "Luisa Baldos" We are eager to assist you.


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